Trading is a performance sport and mindset is a competitive advantage. To be a successful trader or athlete, technical skill is a requirement. But technical skill alone is not enough. In sports and trading, where split-second decisions and impulsive actions can make or break a career, mindset is what separates the good from the great. Drawing on cutting-edge performance psychology and the mental training techniques of professional athletes, this webinar will explore the similarities between...

In this follow up webinar, Dr. Reid will address some additional factors that can throw traders into a state of mind where they do unnecessary damage to their accounts. What happens to traders mentally and emotionally when they get fooled? When the market is annoyingly random for hours at a time? Dr. Reid will unpack this common trader “syndrome” and discuss the steps we need to take to make us bulletproof with regard to this...

Taking profit. Believe it or not, this is one of the most difficult aspects of trading. Trading does not work unless you can overcome your losses with your gains. In this webinar, John will discuss the mathematics behind profit taking as well as various methods of exiting a trade. John will also delve into the psychology of banking your gains and why it is difficult to faithfully execute a strategy that results in a positive...

In this webinar you will learn what you have not been able to see. There is an underground world inside your trading mind that you have to master. The mind that you brought to trading is simply not up to the task of trading. But you can learn how to build a mind that stays patient and disciplined when facing the uncertainties of trading. Come solve the mystery of your trading mind. And become the...

In this Webinar, Peter will discuss the Volume Weighted Average Price line (VWAP) and how it can be used consistently in order to enter winning trades. Peter will explain the VWAP and key VWAP patterns that you can easily utilize to improve your profits every single trading day. ...

To trade well, you need a system. In our next series, using the system that Thor developed as an example, we will discuss the critical components of a successful trading system. From stocks, to rules, to hotkeys, we will take a look at all the tools Thor utilizes to help keep both his trading and himself in check. ...

It’s time to be honest with yourself. If your equity curve is not sloping upward, then you probably do not have a strategy that is meeting your trading goals. The question accordingly becomes: Given the multitude of strategies out there, how do you find the one that works best for you? In this webinar, Mike will discuss the process that helped him identify the strategy that most complemented his trading goals. ...

The first step in addressing trading psychology issues is to identify which challenges are affecting you the most, so that you can apply the appropriate tools to improve in that area. In this webinar, Mike will highlight how to create a psychology journal that can be incorporated into your trading journal, in order to assist you with identifying the trading psychology issues that arise. ...

In this webinar, Andrew will provide insight into how he manages his trades, including when he will add to a position, when he will partial out, and how he determines when it is best to exit a trade completely. ...