One debate in trading has raged for years: is it better to become a specialist is a single ticker or play the whole market. In this webinar, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on a single stock when day trading. We'll explain techniques you can use to take advantage of a single stock focus and we’ll also share how you can avoid some of the biggest pitfalls lurking out there....

When should I enter into a trade? How much should I partial? When should I let my winner run and when should I exit all for a small profit? These questions - and more - are the types of questions we ask ourselves every single time we are in a trade. Properly managing a trade is one of the most difficult aspects of trading you will face. In this webinar, Aiman will share his rules for...

The first major decision a new trader will make is when to transition to live trading. Along with this significant decision comes anxiety over the unknown, including the fact that their trading platform won’t be precisely the same, there will be changes to Hotkey routing, and their broker will no doubt be charging additional fees. The next decision that a new trader will face, and it’s sadly at times neglected until it’s too late, is...

In this webinar Neda will talk about the danger of getting too attached to our success. By bringing mindfulness to the moments we're experiencing success, we have the choice to continue with humility and gratitude, rather than letting our success get into our head and overfeed our ego...

The process of becoming a success trader begins with you, so learning what and how to evaluate your performance is vital. In this module, you will embark on a journey which explores the challenges of trading, self-evaluation, and how to determine what type of trader you may be. Understand your personality traits and embrace the trading style you are good at instead of the trading style you want to trade....

During this townhall Mike and Dr. Katz will invite two traders from the community to share their trading psychological issue and why they believe it holds them back. Join us to watch and listen to how Dr. Katz assists the traders in identifying the root cause behind the issue and steps to begin addressing it....

Many traders experience similar challenges, from being overactive in the market or revenge trading at one end of the scale, to being hesitant to pull the trigger on trades at the other. This webinar explores how performance profiling and goal-setting can be used to address your trading challenges, whether you are ruled by your adrenaline chimp or stifled by your aversion to risk....

Join Ardi, Peak Capital Trading’s Investment Growth Analyst, as he discusses the fundamentals of risk control in a fund setting and how that can also apply to active independent traders (like you!). Topics covered will include Value at Risk, running debit put spreads, the delta neutral portfolio strategy, as well as some of the key tools used in managing Peak Capital Trading’s fund. Ardi will then focus on how these different risk control techniques can...

Although this webinar is not for the faint of heart, it is designed for all levels of traders: new, experienced, successful, or unsuccessful. Retired Marine Mike B. is going to challenge you to ask yourself some tough questions about your own trading performance. Think of it as a “mini” boot camp! Do you often feel like you are on the verge of greatness, only to take two steps backward as you encounter another day that wipes...

In order to trade effectively, you need to understand that stops truly fuel the retail market. The principle is very simple: someone always wins when someone else loses. In this webinar, we will discuss how to correctly analyze the price structure in your charts. Once mastered, this technique will become a vital part of your risk management practice, dialing you into the perfect locations to buy, sell, or get out!...