In the first workshop of this two-part series, we decode the root of your trading pain points. Créde explains the common root causes of specific trading challenges and coaches a small group of traders through uncovering what is behind their deviating from their trading plan. At the end of the workshop, Créde sets a practical task for these volunteers, and any traders experiencing similar challenges, to implement between workshops to address their trading pain point....

Trading is a performance sport and mindset is a competitive advantage. To be a successful trader or athlete, technical skill is a requirement. But technical skill alone is not enough. In sport and trading, where split-second decisions and impulsive actions can make or break a career, mindset is what separates the good from the great. Drawing on cutting-edge performance psychology and the mental training techniques of professional athletes, this webinar will explore the similarities between...

There are two general types of traders: those who prefer to trade the ranges and those who prefer trends. Of course, there are two mindsets that correspond to these preferences: MisMatchers
 natural skeptics who expect Reversals and Matchers
 naturally ‘agreeable’ folks who expect continuation. In this webinar, Dr. Ried is going to elaborate on that concept and highlight two features in DAS that you might not be using that could contribute to this synergy....

Higher volatility markets often attract traders as large price exploration and range expansion provide directional bias to exploit. Knowing the structure that markets leave behind in the form of 'Gaps' can provide additional edge for short-term levels and entry/targets, swing ideas as certain Gaps provide contunation and exhaustion, and can signal macro shifts in sentiment and perception. We'll explore trade strategies surrounding Gaps, leveraging previous Gap Fills and Volume Pockets in intraday trading, and how...

In the second workshop of this two-part series, we talk to our volunteer traders to assess the impact that the mental edge strategy has had on their trading performance. We discuss traders' experiences with implementing the technique and forensically evaluate what aspects of their trading have improved and what still needs some work. Créde will summarise the step-by-step process to addressing this specific trading pain point so that viewers struggling with the same challenge can...

Mistakes and losses are an inevitable occurrence on the path to becoming a consistently profitable trader. However, with the right skills and mindset, they don't need to turn into red days or runs of red days. The secret to long-term trading success is to build the skill of resilience. When you have the ability to recover well any time you veer away from your trading rules, the impact of mistakes and losses on your account...

In the first workshop of this two-part series, we decode the root of your trading pain points. Créde explains the common root causes of specific trading challenges and coaches a small group of traders through uncovering what is behind their deviating from their trading plan. At the end of the workshop, Créde sets a practical task for these volunteers, and any traders experiencing similar challenges, to implement between workshops to address their trading pain point....

We have all experienced rumination, critical judgement, and unkind comments in our self-talk. Unfortunately, there is no off-switch for this mental chatter. Fortunately, mindfulness can help us become aware of our inner dialogues and the weight we give them. This awareness opens up a space to choose to believe and engage with our inner talk or simply let it go. With regular mindfulness meditation practice, we train our minds to be more present with what...

There are two primary forces operating in the market: mean reversion and trend. Both operate simultaneously, but it helps to know which of these factors is dominant. Moreover, traders tend to have a personal mindset bias for one or the other behavior, meaning we tend to imagine/expect breakouts or reversals. In this webinar we will look at various ways to technically define each of these factors and the mindset required to take advantage of them....