It’s easy to trade profitably when the money is only paper.  It’s easy to think you’re in control.  But the moment that the money is real the game changes.  Suddenly, your Caveman Brain feels threat to its biological existence – it’s not risk management now.  So, when the trade goes against you, your Caveman Brain starts fighting for its very life.  This is your ancient emotional nature overwhelming your Thinking Brain.  And this is the...

Join Nathan for an enlightening webinar where traders will gain valuable insights into understanding the intricate connection between their body's responses and the demands of trading. Explore the fascinating world of neurotransmitters and unlock the power of mindfulness practices like meditation and journaling. Delve deep into the inner workings of your body with a seasoned Pharmacist boasting over 25 years of expertise. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your trading journey by mastering the art...

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Mindset plays a very significant role in successful trading. However, a ‘negative mindset’ can actually take several forms. Indeed, there are many sneaky thinking styles that you may not even class as being negative until you understand how that thinking impacts your actions in the markets. This webinar will unearth some of the most common mind traps that result in losing trades...

Every aspiring trader has the same goal: Consistent Profitability. Along with that is the assumption that Confidence will follow. That mastery is the state of mind where we naturally feel confident in our trades. That would be normal in any successful business. Except for trading. Trading is more like a professional sport, like tennis or MMA, where dominance is temporary and everyone is out to get you. If you’re measuring your progress based on your...

There is a logic that is quickly challenged when real money is put at risk in trading. Yet, the more you try to win, the more you lose. And when you lose, you get angry or scared. Then you really inflict damage on yourself. What’s going on here? Your very beliefs about winning and losing are killing the promise of your trading. The rules of success in trading are very different from the rules you...

Join us for an insightful webinar featuring Mike's personal journey of the past three months, during which he faced a relentless series of unexpected life events, challenging his trading prowess, discipline, and mental resilience. Learn from his experiences as he demonstrates effective risk mitigation, decision-making under pressure, and unwavering commitment, showcasing resilience in both his trading and personal life. ...

Do you know exactly what you need to do to make profitable trades, but find yourself repeatedly getting in your own way? Do you become overactive in the market, revenge trade, ignore limits, or hesitate to take on risk because you are afraid to make a mistake? These are all ways that your mind and emotions can sabotage your trading process, even if you are the most technically skilled trader. This webinar will explore how...

“It’s a tough market right now.” That’s the conventional view. But unlike an ordinary business, the business of trading is always accompanied by an unusual amount of frustration. If you’re trading around breakeven, which is common during the first year or two, you’re experiencing an equal amount of reward and punishment, which is hard to tolerate. In a previous webinar discussing trader development, I quoted Shi Heng Yi, a Shaolin Master: “Life doesn’t get easier,...

Join Mike as he delves deep into the intriguing world of trading psychology. Mike will explore the emotional turmoil experienced by traders who constantly battle the regret of missing out (ROMO) on potentially lucrative trades. Mike will shed light on the detrimental effects of regret and how it can hinder trading success. You will gain valuable insights into identifying and managing ROMO, developing a disciplined approach to trading, and embracing a healthy mindset that encourages...

Take a moment and think about the time and money you have spent in the hope of developing your knowledge of trading. Has it delivered success to you? Probably not. The real problem with your trading is YOU, and the mind you bring to trading. That is the missing link. Quite simply, waking up and recognizing that the problem with your trading is YOU is pivotal. Are you prepared to master the fear that locks...