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One Funny Psychological Mind Game I Play

By Andrew Aziz  |  
Andrew's Newsletter  |  
Jan 13, 2025

Dear Traders,

Today, I had an amazing day trading Delta Airline and of course Tesla! The market provided many opportunities, and I’m happy that Brian and I were live together, taking full advantage of what the market offered.

I’ve created a recap of today’s trades, you can watch it here. If you have any questions about the recap, please comment, and I’ll personally reply.

My recap for today’s trades on YouTube.

A few days ago, I was telling my team that I trade better when Brian or someone else is with me. Even though we’re not in the same room and don’t usually take the same trades, for some reason, talking to another trader while I’m trading often makes me more profitable. I believe it’s a psychological factor for me. When I’m taking a trade and have to explain it to Brian, it feels like I’m reviewing my own strategy and reasoning—why I’m entering a trade, why I’m staying in it, and why I decide to exit when I do.

It’s not that Brian cares about my trades, he’s busy with his own trading. As funny and unreasonable as it seems, this psychological element works well for me. If you’ve been in the chatroom or watched us live on YouTube, you know how we trade. We keep it very casual; everyone shares their trade ideas and calls out opportunities. So, trading with Brian or a trade buddy shouldn’t make a big difference, but believe it or not, even with over 10 years of trading experience, it does for me. And I think it’s because of the psychological aspect.

A double-edged sword in trading is that you’re your own boss. It’s fantastic because you can take ANY day off and skip trading. But the issue arises when you overtrade! That means you lack discipline and take too many trades in one day. So, when I’m trading with Brian or someone else, I feel more grounded and much less likely to overtrade. That’s how tricky the psychological game of trading can be.

Join our annual Live Trading Summit in Vancouver.

That’s also why we decided to dedicate the upcoming TEDx theme to psychology and mental resilience. In less than three months, we’ll host our annual Live Trading Summit, where we bring together over 300 traders and mentors from around the world to Vancouver. Last year, Avi flew in all the way from Dubai, and we had highly regarded speakers from the UK, England, and our very own BBT morning show hosts, Peter and Carlos, from Ontario, Canada, and New Jersey, US.

Join over 300 traders and mentors from around the world in Vancouver.

This year, we’re taking it to the next level by adding TEDx to the summit. We’ve lined up elite speakers from around the world. Make sure to reserve your spot before it’s sold out! It broke my heart last year when we couldn’t accommodate more community members due to seat limitations.

Reserve Your TEDx & Live Trading Summit Spot

To your success,