By Paul Koger - September 14, 2017 The average trader that is just starting out thinks that the way towards success in day trading is by finding the right strategy. If only you would find a strategy that works, you’ll be out of the water, drinking the cool-aid in...
Going Old School Remember Red Green? For 15 TV seasons, The Red Green Show and the folks at the Possum Lodge entertained us with one do it yourself project after another that involved the use of duct tape. Today I want to go even more old school....
The Unforgivable Deadly Day Trading Sin I hope that title caught your attention. There is so much you can do to prepare for success in day trading. No matter how much you prepare and practice though, many things can still go wrong during a trade. You...
Mom, I’m bored. How many moms - and dads – reading this post cringe when they hear their little ones utter those infamous words? I’m bored. Bo. Ring. Children may pause so long between the syllables that it will sound like two words. How can you be...
Hitler, Vietnam, Day Trading That’s quite the combination, isn’t it? Hitler, Vietnam, and day trading. What in the world do they have in common? Lots. Much more than you may initially think. And it all revolves around guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare is an irregular approach to warfare...
Success in Day Trading or How to Be a Cool Cat in the Playground Growing up, I didn’t want to go to school. Every morning. Five days a week. Same routine. I’d much rather have watched cartoons and eaten an extra bowl of the most sugary...
Lose weight fast; get rich quick I always chuckle when I see ads which promise quick results with one simple purchase. Who actually loses 30 pounds in one month? And if by chance they do, those 30 pounds might very well be back on their waist...
The first step in short selling is for a day trader to advise their broker that they wish to borrow a certain number of shares in a stock. In most situations, a broker will lend those shares. The day trader will in turn almost immediately...
Today, one of our new traders, Daniel, emailed me and shared his Profit and Loss with me. It was over $8,500 for the day! It is very impressive! I was curios to know how long he has been trading with me. It is only less than...