Two New Videos / Tape Reading Webinar Tonight
Dear Traders,
I hope everyone had a great long weekend! We are launching into the earnings season with some big volatility this week. The market sold off heavily as interest rates and the yield on 10-year Treasury bonds (the benchmark for the risk-free rate) rose to around 1.82%. The bears are having fun while the bulls are experiencing weakness. I am already anticipating how this week will end. Some market internals are signaling a reversal, but we shall see as we approach Friday.
Last week we recorded two important videos. I had a chat with Brian Shannon of AlphaTrends (which you can watch here), and Thor joined our Brian and I for another episode of AfterHours with Traders. Thor’s discussion focused on how you as a developing trader can go about improving your trading. You can watch the second video here. Please ensure to comment, like, and/or subscribe to our YouTube channel here.
Speaking of Thor, tonight he is offering us an amazing webinar with the intriguing title: Into the Matrix – Tape Reading Technique. We are in for a treat!
In this webinar, which starts at 8pm ET, Thor will take you deep into the very core of price action. Tape reading combines the data found in Time & Sales with Level 2. Once you are adept at this technique, you will no longer merely look at your charts, rather, you will see the market in real time. Each choice as it is made will be visible to you. And once you see it, you will not be able to unsee it. Get your red pill ready.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at tonight’s webinar.
To your success,