Hello Traders,It is official, the earnings season officially started today with major banks and hedge funds reporting their earnings. JPMorgan Chase nailed their earnings and surged over 7%. I traded JPM with 3 trading strategies: ORB, ABCD Pattern, and 9/20 tradeWe had some solid trading from Brian this morning on Apple and Tesla and lots of trade setups were available. Paras nailed it on AMD and Thor traded many futures. John traded Google. Please watch...

Dear Traders,Tomorrow is a big day. The CPI readings (or inflation number) will be out, and depending on the number, it may very well cause some volatility in the market. Today, TSLA provided several trading opportunities for me and a few other traders. Paras did an amazing trade on it at around 11am ET. Today, we are holding one of the most important webinars we have had in recent times. Our legendary Thor is leading a...

Dear Traders,Happy Inflation Report Day! First and foremost, my friend, colleague, and quant, Carlo Zarattini and I have published a paper together on the long-term profitability of the Opening Range Breakout. We would love the trading community to read it and let us know what you think. You can follow Carlo at his Twitter. He posts some very interesting stuff! The title of the paper is: “Can Day Trading Really Be Profitable? Evidence of Sustainable Long-term Profits...

Dear Traders,As many of you know, we have opened up the registration for our next bootcamp that is starting on May 7, 2023. It is an intense 3-month private mentorship experience where you will work closely with some of our senior traders such as Mike, John, Peter, Aiman, Megan, and Susan. You will also participate in advanced training modules with Thor and Paras on tape reading and volume price analysis trading. Our in-house psychologist, Dr....

Dear Traders,I am back in the Vancouver office from climbing in Bolivia. I arrived from sea level (0 m or ft) and in only 6 days I was able to climb 3 peaks of over 6,400 m (over 21,000 ft) in Bolivia. That was an amazing climatization as I prepare for my Everest expedition later this month. Today, I traded two amazing Opening Range Breakout Strategies, one on MU and one on TSLA. Both worked out...

Hello Traders,Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is trading green! With the first quarter finishing up, many of our traders have been posting their quarterly results. Megan posted her Q1 results and they are astonishing! She is up over 256% in her options trading account in the past 3 months! That means she has quadrupled her account in just 3 months! If you are interested in learning more about trading options, and Megan’s trading in general, make...

Hello Traders,I hope you are well and have had a green trading day! This morning, I was able to trade and get some nice moves on $TSLA. Over the past few days, where I missed most of the trading day, I was climbing one of the tallest mountains in Bolivia. Below you can see an image of me with my guide, finally getting to the peak of Huayna. I am actually quite impressed with my body’s...

Hello Traders,Are we back in a new bull market? This is the question everyone is asking. The bulls are taking a victory lap, while the bears are scratching their heads, wondering why the market is going up with all the bad news on the way! In yesterday’s newsletter, I wrote about how Dr. Burry congratulated the dip buyers and admitted that he was wrong to suggest selling stocks. Some are arguing that the reason the...

Hello Traders,Welcome to the second quarter of 2023. As I am writing you this newsletter, I am on my way to Huayna Potosi mountain. Surrounded by other very high mountains and roughly 15 miles (24 km) north of La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, this mountain is the most popular climb in Bolivia. I will spend the next 14 days climbing this mountain to prepare for my Everest climb. It is going to be a...

Hello Traders,I hope you are having a safe trading day. We are in the final days of the first quarter of 2023. How have you been doing in the first 90 days of the year? Are you on track with your personal and financial goals? Usually, the first 90 days can give you a good glimpse of how the rest of the year may go, and so if you are getting away from the goals...